Monday, 19 April 2010

Cleggo Washes Whiter!!!!!!!

We blame our politicians (often quite rightly) for our democratic deficit but we should shoulder our fair share of the blame too!

Witness the insane love affair with Nick Clegg all because of one appearance on T.V., more notable for the fact that he didn't "fall flat on his face" than for anything he said.

Anyone who thinks that, given the taste of power, even at one remove, he will not ingratiate himself with Labour, and so deny the U.K. its full measure of democracy,is sadly mistaken.

The LibDems have form where the aforementioned is concerned.

If "Rinso Clegg" is the answer, heaven knows what the question was!

Monday, 12 April 2010

Lost In The Post?

I see that there are now fears that the troops in Afghanistan may be disenfranchised, at least as far as this election is concerned.

It seems that there will not be enough time to make sure that all there votes arrive back in Blighty in time for counting. Something about the availability of helicopters!!!!

What? Whaaaaaaat!!! Does no one plan ahead these days. Is there no-one bothered enough to make sure that those who put their lives on the line to bring democracy to others have the chance to contribute to the democratic process in their own country?

It wouldn't be anything to do with the fact that Labour fear the overwhelming majority of the troops will NOT be voting for Labour? No, of course not, silly cynical me

Friday, 9 April 2010

Brown At Bay

Just when I was sure that the B.B.C. (Brown's Broadcasting Champions) were irredeemably pro New Labour along comes the To-day programme and my doubts start to resurface.

On Thursday morning our dear leader, Gordon Brown, felt the full measure of John Humphrey's inquisitorial skills as he was skewered over his refusal to repeat the word "deceit" in connection with the NI row and business leaders reactions to it. Brown blustered like a schoolboy trying to explain his missing homework.

To - day on the programme of the same name David Cameron was questioned by lightweight Evan Davies. Cameron was assured and credible, at no time flustered and Davies didn't so much as lay a glove on him, if I may be permitted a boxing metaphor.

Now maybe I am reading too much into all this. Maybe Humphrey's was indisposed to-day or perhaps he has succumbed to election exhaustion already but, ever the optimist, I want to believe that venerable institution is the same even handed,fair minded B.B.C. that glowed throughout my dim and distant yoof and maybe, just maybe, those two interviews were the old girls way of evening up the imbalances of the recent past!